The following book list is a work in progress. I will be adding to it on an on-going basis. Feel free to check back. I am also open to suggestion for good candidates to join the list.
Reading other journeys out of ‘Trapping Systems’ has been an important part of my recovery. I am currently finishing writing my own book telling my story of growing up within and slowly leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
On this page I am including books examining the subject of cults in general. I personally needed a lot of specialized support to ‘unpack’ my experiences. Mind-control or coercive systems are especially impactful on the children born to zealous believers.
Training designed to stop people’s critical thinking processes is particularly damaging to such children when it comes to creating a life for yourself outside such a system.
The following Resource pages contain links and referrals to others experienced in this recovery process.
If you are (or someone you love is) recovering from a cult or mind-control experience there are options of support available.
It is a process to recover and claim (or reclaim if you joined as an adult) a life outside a controlling group. Be gentle with yourself.

The Trapped Grow in an Unusual Form
Books and Things <create link to list on sub pg.>